each other until the project was completed. Two separate houses appeared on the same spot at the same time. The houses became a structure of constant movement as walls appeared and disappeared, its spatiality constantly changing and unstable. This raises questions about the permanence of architectural structures, their relationship to their surroundings, and the nature of housing. Architecture is redefined, as what we might consider to be a permanent structure becomes animated and temporary. As a work of collaboration, the house-projects reveal the process, the labour and skill of building as a visible experience. The construction of the monumental becomes an event, a visible and spatial experience of a process in flux rather than the presentation of a finished architectural structure. The house-projects explore the relationship between the temporary and the permanent in architecture as well as investigate the boundaries between process, artwork and documentation. The house-projects were recorded using a unique process. Specially constructed cameras were positioned strategically around the sculptures. The photographic plates were exposed for the duration (four till twelve days) of the project to produce time lapsed black and white photographs. The resulting large-scale photographs eventually reveal the only complete view of the two separate houses, the overlaid shells, of the project. Additionally, time-lapse videos were made.

