house-city was supported by:
The Samling Foundation
BALTIC, The Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead
University of Newcastle
The City of Newcastle
Newcastle College
R.Bau, Sunderland
Lovell and Interserve
Special thanks to: Karon, Julie and Janet and all the others from The Samling Foundation Valentin and André from Jam Atelier, Berlin Jim Norris and Tony Galn from Newcastle College Paul Webster from R.Bau Richard Broderick from The City Council of Newcastle Alistair Hampson and Neil Weeks from Thermalite All the enthusiastic students from Gateshead and Newcastle College and everybody else involved in this project
house-city was part of the Arena project, initiated and managed by
The Samling Foundation in collaboration with BALTIC, The Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead. It was funded by NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts), Northern Rock Foundation, Aimhigher, Arts Council of England and The Samling Foundation.

